Friday, May 15, 2015

Why Rooftop Ventures?

From an early age I was encouraged to seek wisdom and knowledge from older, more experienced people. As I accumulated knowledge on various topics my desire to impart upon others what I had been privileged to learn grew stronger and stronger. I created Rooftop Ventures after hearing the saying "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the rooftops." 

Over the years I have taught people surfing, snowboarding, rock climbing, backpacking, camping, long distance hiking, jeeping, photography, business management, performance management, social media marketing, lifestyle design, and perception design.

I have struggled to find a creative outlet where I could consolidate all of these areas of my life into one place as a means of conveying information to others. Do I blog, vlog, post on social media, start a consulting business, become a life coach? Nothing sparked inspiration or seemed to feel just right until recently.

Some people may think it's my autobiography, or simply philosophy. Others designate it as lifestyle design. I call it Rooftop Ventures, and it is my way of passing on the important things that have changed my life in attempt to enhance the life experiences of others. Something Ventured, something gained.

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