Monday, May 18, 2015

Dexter Creek Waterfall

I'm always in search of an adventure, especially when it comes to photography. I rarely take photos at the classic tourist spots, which anyone with a camera phone can get. So when I came to the top of this waterfall while following a creek downstream, I decided to rappel down the side of the cliff, in order to get to the bottom and take these pictures.

I came back the following evening with my gear, anchored to a tree on top, and rap'd down. I was surprised to see an amazing amount of trash which had accumulated in the pool at the bottom of the falls, considering I was in the middle of nowhere Colorado. I guess it had all washed down from miles upstream.

I spent a while cleaning the litter out of the pool before composing my shot. When all was said and done I had only taken about twenty photos but I really tried to make each one significantly different (shooting with black and white in mind, vertical, horizontal, wide angle, close in, etc.).

After packing up all of my gear I had to "Batman" (hand over hand) up the forty to fifty foot wall since I was by myself. End result: ten great photos and a fun story to tell. Something Ventured, something gained.

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