Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Ouray Adventure!

As some of you may have heard, I recently moved to Ouray, Colorado because I took a job at the Hot Springs Inn. Ouray is a small town of approximately one thousand people at 7,800' in the San Juan mountains 75 miles north of Durango in Southwest Colorado. The main attractions here are the sulfur free hot springs, hundreds of miles of off-road trails, and the incredible beauty of the three surrounding 13,000' peaks.

How I ended up here is a fun story. The short version is: as I said, I was offered a job working as the Night Manager of the Hot Springs Inn. So I loaded up everything minus my surfboards and my velodrome bicycle in the back of Zelda (my '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee), including Zorro (my '09 Kawasaki KLR 650) who I bought a motorcycle carrier for that fits into my receiver hitch.

It was a 900 mile drive to Ouray from San Diego, through Arizona, with a stop the first night in Joshua Tree and the second night in Mesa Verde National Park. The End.

The long story is a twisty turny one but mainly revolves around a concept called 'Lifestyle Design' that my good friend Jeffrey Williams introduced my to in the Fall of 2013. Basically it is what it sounds like, designing your lifestyle to fit the way you want to live. However doing it takes a great deal of introspection and figuring out what you want to get out of life and how to get it, not to mention the years it takes to even get remotely close to achieving 'nirvana' (I jest, kind of). I unknowingly started the process in 2010 when, dissatisfied with the way my life was going in San Diego, I did the only logical thing I could think of, pack up everything I own and move to New Zealand indefinitely. Starting to see a pattern?

This is where I will leave you until my next entry where I will pick up where the story beings, December 1st 2010, The Day That Didn't Exist (for me).

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